lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

17 x 2 = 34

I actually prefer 73... it's the Chuck Norris of the numbers.
The best number is 73. Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror (37) is the 12th and its mirror (21) is the product of multiplying 7 and 3. ... In binary, 73 is a palindrome 1001001 which backwards is 1001001.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


Some things we find in our lives make us feel weird, and some of them do it in a good way. :)

sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

Why you should play old games

There are basically 2 main reasons:
1) You don't need the last hardware technology to play them.
2) You can buy them in platinum edition or even better prices (by Steam, for example).

So, you can play great games in you a bit old computer just spending a not so much money. And some old games really deserve to be played.
Some time ago I found Clive Barker's Jericho for a really good price (4€). Some time ago I played Undying (also based in Barker's stories) and I really loved this game, so I thought that for only 4€ I could take the risk. But I found a game better than I expected. The story is not as awesome as Undying's one, but it's also really interesting. I like its gameplay (team shooter) and graphics, and the characters.
Anyway, it's not a 8/10 game, but it's much more game than what it costs. So, it totally recommend this game.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

You can't get the position and speed of an electron without altering the stats (

That sometimes happens in human relationships. You can't always ask to somebody or speak about a problem with that person, and don't expect to change his behaviour.

For instance: imagine that your mate has a behavior you don't like. Maybe the way he/she laughs. If you talk to him/her, he/she could try to stop laughing in that way to please you. But that could make your mate unhappy, because had to change the way he/she it for you.

Does our happiness deserve to change other people?
Does a relationship deserve to be broken when you feel you need to change your mate's personality?

As usually in life, you can't answer yes or no. It depends of the circumstances.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

My wished job

Fortunatelly, I don't need to job. When my dad died he left me enough money to live confortable for some years without any need. I have a house, no mortgages and I don't owe money to anybody. But I can't be doing nothing. I desire to work, to spend my time doing something and my brain finding and fixing problems. Anyway, I can't just wait and see how my bank account decreases. I love starting in a new place, in a different culture or learning another language. I love feeling I'm adapting to a different circumstances.

That's why I learnt flash, to make games while I was unemployed. But it's not enough. I want a job. I want to feel I'm useful for a task.

So, how is my whised job? Those are my preferences (just supposing I was able to choose them)

1- Working for a state: if you earn $xxxxx working for a company, make sure you are making a group of rich people to earn much more money thanks to your work. And those people don't care about the workers they have. They only care about benefits, regardless the environment, the countries they are spoiling or who are making poor.
So, working for a state or country, the benefits of my work go to all the people of that country. Anyway, even working for a country, I prefer not to do it for their army. Armies tends to follow the interest of the rich people (and so wars do too). About how many bankers or executives of weapon or oil companies have you ever heard dying in a war for the last 40 years?

2- If I had to work for a company, I'd pick a cooperative company (owned by the workers - or at least an small company that cares for the people working for it.

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

I feel lucky

In the life we'll find a lot of choices, and your future will depend of them. But you can't choose the parents you have had.

I feel lucky for my parents. I can't image others better that the ones I had. They taught me to be the person I am. And the most important lesson I learnt from them was that I never must assume something as true: Critical thinking (

martes, 24 de abril de 2012

γνῶθι σεαυτόν

Those words are written in the entry to the Delphi temple. It means "know yourself".

Who am I? Well, that's the big question. I've spent most of my live trying to discover the answer. And I can proudly say that, the more I discover about myself the better I feel.

I think that there are 2 ways to find happyness:
- Taking the blue pill: The easiest one is living without any care, just being said what you have to do and trusting in if you do what you are being told, you won't have to worry for anything. You'll only see yourself as they say you are. That's basically what Mark Renton said.
- Taking the red pill: Facing what other people consider as matter of fact, and discover the person you are by yourself. That implies don't trusting in everything you hear, and make yourself questions. That way will make you live in a world full of lies, but will you guide to a real knowledge of yourself. And once you know your real needs, you'll be able to control them.

I also think that, if you want to know yourself, you must also know other people. They way they are, will help you to discover parts of yourself.

Some time ago, I started to wonder why I write here. Why I put here my deepest thoughts. In a place where almost nobody knows about me. There are only 3 people in the world knowing the real name of the person behind this words. From those 3, only 1 knows about this blog, and that I don't think that person has some interest into reading this.

So, why showing my real me (my Ghost, as Masamune Shirow would call it) to people I don't even know?

A few months ago, I discovered a person and we became friends. That person was very shy, and never liked to talk about herself. But she had a blog where to writte all her thoughts. I thought that, doing that, she was balancing the need to connect with other people. Sometimes is easier opening your ghost to unknown people rather than the people you know.

So I discovered that I was doing the same.

That's how other people help us to know ourselves. Sometimes we see in the other people things that we can't see in ourselves.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

When we were old

Have you ever gone to a shop, and found an oldman or oldwoman complaining to the clerk for something irrelevant? Maybe he/she just wanted to talk to someone...

Being old must be sad: not too much people are interested into hear your storys. Maybe that means that when we get older, we become boring.
Must be sad having so many stories to tell, so many experiences to teach, and nodoby wants to hear them. And feeling that each day your death is closer, and every day you lose a friend you knew when you were young.

I heard once the sentence "when an old person dies, it's like burning a book".

Let's think about ourselves. How will we be when we get older? Just imagine us as isolated old people, desiring  to communicate with the rest of the world. The main difference is that we'll have internet.

Thus, we can post our experiences, the lessons we got from life.
Or maybe, having so much free time will transform us into the biggest forum trolls ever.

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

How to create a religion

If you want to create a religion, you'd better count of rich men and politics' support. In order to create a really successful religion, there are some tips you should keep in mind:

- First and the second most important tip: promise something awesome to your followers. Afterlife, Reencarnation, Aliens that'll make them immortals, a paradise of sex... etc. But even most important, don't let them prove that you are lying. Promises after death usually work great because nobody can complain.

- Total obedience of your followers. You can warm them about terrible consequences if they don't obey your rules: an eternity of suffering tends to work.

- Be against birth control: remember that every good religion needs lot of followers. The most you have, the most money they give to you. There are 2 basic ways to gain followers: converting them by pray and making your followers procreate (children usually get parent's religion). Homosexuality must be also avoided in your religion: they can't produce more followers.

- Make believers work hard. Working has to be a must for them. You can say them that it is a sin they have to purge or whatever excuse you invent. If you make your followers good workers, rich people will support you.

- Make believers conformist. Just like lambs. Promise them that all the suffering will be rewarded after death, that usually works. Politicians will support you if you use this tip.

- Last and MOST important tip: make your followers ignorant. Otherwise they could discover your fraud. Keep your followers far from universities and libraries. Make them think that science is a creation of an evil nemesis.

The rest of your religion is basically marketing:
- Create a good symbol. Nothing really complex: simple symbols use to work better (you must create something that your brainless followers can easily remember).
- Make a revengeful and kickass main deity. Someone really charismatic and awesome that everybody would like to be.
- Think a good story for your deities, with lot of action, explosions and impossible facts. The most incredible it is, the most the people will believe.
- Finally, make your religion attractive. Against any reason, setting rules difficult to follow tends to like to followers: the most sacrifices they have to do, the most they'll love your religion. Don't ask me why.


After reading all this, you could think that I'm against religions. But I'm not.
I think that religions can be good for the people: good religions are moral guides and make people generous and kind (mainly with people of the same religion). I envy the people with faith, not worried about a meaningless existence or a black courtain after death.

Anyway, I'm atheisc, but I admit that I can be wrong. After all, I'm just a person and I don't know all the truth. Thus, God could exist.
(But could any fanatical believer accept that he could be wrong?)

So, I'm not against religion, I'm against manipulation using religion.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

There is a light that never goes out

My favoutire song from The Smiths. They are, in my opinion, one of the most undervalued bands.

And also, the spanish cover, by Mikel Eretxun. Almost as good as the original one.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

The beginning

Hi guys:
Long time ago I started another blog covering a game's creation. In that other blog's development, sometimes I felt the need to share the music, movies and videogames I've loved along my live with all the people.
But I realized that it wasn't the right place. And maybe, this part of my life I want to share would need its own place.

It's free, so why not trying?

That's the first music track I want you all to hear. Most of you probably know it, but that's no reason to not enjoy it again.

With you all, one of my favourite trance sessions: